Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hey there, are you ready for the new year? I am!! Do you have any new years resolutions?
I do mine are:
Grow closer to God,
Blog more often,
Comment on peoples blogs as much as I can,
Spend more time with family,
And work as hard as I can at school!

By the way my sister over at Walking With Him is trying to get 50 followers she only needs 8 more, so head on over and follow her she would love it!!

And I have entered some giveaways and I want you to know about them! there is
Feminine Farmgirl is giving away a 45 dollor gift card to a CSN Stores here
 Life's better at a gallop is giving away a book she wrote herself! here

 Thanks girls!


Hope Marie said...

Thanks for posting about my blog Fallon, you rock! you sista Hope

Anna Faith said...

Hi Fallon,
I know your sister but I never knew that she had a sister closer to my age!!:)
I am 11.So you are elder.I am following you now too.
You can visit my blog
God Bless,

Dylan/Pippin and Hope/Mary said...

Thanks for following Wait and See!
God bless you, Hope/Mary and Dylan/Pippin